I have just finished reading Dark Enough to See the Stars in a Jamestown Sky, and I had to write and thank you for such a beautiful book.
This is quite an experience being able to thank an author—-most of the books I read and love were written at least 100 years ago, so I have not had the opportunity to thank their creators!! I am a former English teacher, life-long Virginian, and avid reader—so I appreciate your book on many levels.
I especially appreciated the quotations you chose at the opening of each chapter. I have always loved Goethe and Tennyson—in fact, you selected so many of my favorite authors that I began to think we were kindred spirits. The quotations were beautifully interwoven with the narrative and gave the book such depth —-as well as a connection to other great works.
—Jayne P.
New Kent, Virginia
Delightful—one of the best books I’ve read in years. I couldn’t put it down!
—Captain James M., retired Naval Commander, 96 years old
I have read your book Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky and have greatly enjoyed it. Your giving a voice to the women of Jamestown is wonderful and perhaps even noble.
—Jennifer D.
I have just finished reading your book and wanted to tell you how wonderful I thought it was. I will never see Jamestown the same way again! Actually, my husband and I are going on a bus trip to Jamestown this Saturday and I am looking forward to seeing things through “new eyes” and with a very different insight. The people and their lives will certainly be more real to me.
I am so impressed by the amount of research that you did to make it as historically accurate as possible. What a wonderful tribute to your 13th great grandmother-to forever preserve her story. It makes me want to learn how to do the same for my family…maybe some day!
Thank you for a great book!
—Bettie Sue M.
I just finished reading your fascinating book, and I wanted to write to thank you for using your time and talent to take this piece of history and make it come alive for us.
—Jo Ann J.
Once I picked up your book ‘to look over before I sent it as a gift’ I couldn't put it down! Your story is thoroughly fascinating and compelling. I am SO glad to have read it as a background for all that is now going on in Jamestown.
—Susan M.
Richmond, Virginia
You probably don't remember me but I was the customer with the Anglo-American accent who had lived in Bermuda!
Anyway, my husband gave me the book for Christmas and I just want to let you know how very much I enjoyed reading it. What courage and fortitude (and female common sense!) those women showed to survive such hardships. They were so brave. You must feel very honored to be a direct descendant of Joan. I was particularly pleased with all the details in the back of the book - family trees, maps, cast of characters etc. So often it is hard to sort these relationships and places out as one reads a book but thanks to all the appendices it was easy.
And having learned the Bermuda side of the story before I came to the USA it was so good to be able to co-ordinate the facts in my mind and to have some human interest attached to it all.
—Sally D.
I can not began to tell you how much I enjoyed Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky.
Just by chance we overheard a conversation about the book and that you were at the bookstore for a signing, little did I know what was in store.
Let me know when you write others—I will certainly pass this book onto the book club I belong to.
—Judi S.
Lake Placid, New York
I am an avid reader and love suspense books like James Lee Burke, Patricia Cornwell and such. I can honestly tell you that I have never had to force myself to put a book down as I did with your book. I loved every page of it. Not only is it beautifully written and interesting I am dumbfounded by the amount of time that must have gone into the small details of it. I loved the quotes and poems and hymns that you started each chapter with. The only negative I can think of is that it was too short. I'm sorely disappointed each night that I can not read it before bed anymore. Thank you for your time and effort. I have often thought of Joan and all she endured. It quickly puts my "struggles" into perspective. I think this book may prove to bless people in ways neither you nor they anticipated. Again, I thank you.
—Lisa S.
I just ordered a copy of your book about Cicly __?. My wife, Louise Booth, is a direct descendant down through the Cox family to Pleasant Cox and Wylie Cox.
Once she gets the book and reads it, I am sure she will want to write to you with more details on her connections. Sounds like you may be related, but then, I guess we all are.
You have made her day and the book is only on order.
Incidentally, my wife, Louise Booth, is 92 years old. She has stories from her grandmother, so this takes us back in a hurry.
I am a Yankee from Minnesota. On my Mother's side, my grandfather was born in 1858. So I have stories that go way back in a hurry.
P.S. Louise received the book about 30 minutes ago. So I probably will not see her for two days.
—Don B.
Villa Park, California
I have just finished reading your book Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky and want to tell you how much I enjoyed it. It was the kind of book that I didn't want to put down once I began reading it.
I have been to Jamestown many times through the years and was there to celebrate the 350th and 400th Anniversaries. I am very interested in genealogy and, thanks to a copy of my Great Grandmother's extensive "Pedigree", find that my ancestry goes back to William Strachey….
In case you can't tell, your book had a great impact on me as it has reminded me of what my own ancestors endured in the very early colonial days.
Thanks for a wonderful book! Hopefully you will have more books to come.
PS - My husband is now reading your book and thoroughly enjoying every word.
—Dale P.
In May I was in Jamestown for the 400th Anniversary Celebration, coming there from my home in Illinois. As a history lover and also a lover of historical fiction, I was eager to find as many books as I could pertaining to the early history of the Jamestowne settlement. I had previously learned that there was apparently very little available, or at least very little that I could find. I felt like a foraging fish at the bottom of the ocean as I scoured the shelves for what they had there at the Gift Shop! Imagine my pleasure to find your book there waiting for me! I grabbed it as quickly as I possibly could (along with a few others, I must admit) and triumphantly marched to the checkout.
There was yet another reason for my joy in finding your book. Not only am I an avid reader of historical fiction, when I can find the time (which is not often, sadly), but I am a genealogist, as well. I was there at Jamestown because I wanted to be, as an American, to honor the early beginnings of our nation's history, but I also wanted to be there to honor my Jamestown settler, John Price.
Your book was wonderful. I devoured every word. Of course, it was of even greater interest to me due to my hoped-for descent from the Peirce family, but truly I did think it was so well written, and so deeply moving. Even though I consider myself a student of history, I knew so very little about The Starving Time, and was so sincerely touched by your depiction of that time. I wonder how anyone could have survived it. It was truly heartbreaking to read. Your telling of the story through the "remembrances"
of your ancestor Joan Peirce made it all so much more personal and meaningful, and certainly it is apparent how deeply you care about her and about what happened to her and her family. Thank you for this fine book.
Again, thank you for your excellent book about your ancestor Joan Peirce and what her life might have been like in England and in Jamestown. It will always be high on my "favorites" list.
—Betsy S.
Tuscola, Illinois
I just finished the book and absolutely loved it. I have been doing some research on my own family since my mother died in 2004. I can really relate to your story.
—Karen R.
I just purchased a copy of your book on-line through your website. I am looking forward to reading it. My mother has just read a copy borrowed from the library and was so impressed with it she wants one of her very own. Since she is 89 years old, finding gift ideas is sometimes a struggle. I'm so pleased to know of something she wants. Finding that I can get an autographed copy just adds icing to the cake.
—Ellen D.
Bedford, Virginia
MY friend brought me a signed copy of one of your books——it was riveting, couldn't put it down.
—Deana G.
Canadian, Texas
I wanted first to say we all loved your book! I ran into it at a gift shop at the Lynnhaven House in Virginia Beach my first week after we moved here last June with my two teens. We had just visited Jamestown and I was ripe for some local history. I took your book back to the Founders Inn where we were staying and read it in two days with hardly a break. It was really great. My mother took it up the moment I put it down and read it in a few days herself. It really gave us a sense of coming to Virginia ourselves in our own grand adventure. I have shared it with several of my friends who are also newcomers to Virginia (students at Regent University). It is a hit!
My mother is hoping for the sequel. I was wondering about this too. Is there one forthcoming? And if so, when might we expect it?
Thanks for sharing the story!
—Chuck C.
Your first book was excellent and I am looking forward to Part II.
—Deane M.
Congratulations on your wonderful book on Joan Pierce, mother of Cecily After ordering copies for each member of my family including siblings, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles, I ordered additional books for myself several times, but they seem to disappear whenever I tell someone about the book. It is such a wonderful story and so well written. I love recommending the book to my associates and friends who are involved in genealogy.
—Judith C.
Mt. Holly, Virginia
Hi Connie, I just finished reading your wonderful book, Dark enough to see the stars in a Jamestown Sky. What a terrific book!
—Debbie C.
I purchased your Jamestown book and have just finished reading it. How unbelievable it is to think those poor people survived so many hardships. I admire your persistence in your research and I can tell you felt a special connection to Joan.
—Freda D.
Certified Genealogist
After reading the book for book club in January and passing it on to my mom to enjoy, she had me order a copy for her best friend as a birthday gift next week. I'll continue sharing my enthusiasm for this story with friends and look forward to devouring the sequel!
—Heather B
Following my reading the first few pages, I could not resist buying a copy of Dark Enough to See the Stars in a Jamestown Sky. Before Friday of the following week, I had devoured the text. Your obvious scholarly research and the readability of your work have made this book one that I know I will read again. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment. I look forward to the sequel that you mentioned and hope that you will let me know when it is published.
—Norma H.
Smithfield, Virginia
My daughter met you and bought your book at the Home School convention in June. She made the mistake of showing it to me, so I got first read!
It is a marvelous book—and the appendices are as good as the book. Congratulations and thank you.
—Judy H.
Colonial Heights, Virginia
I purchased your book at Jamestown last week and enjoyed it immensely! You have obviously done a tremendous amount of research. What I especially enjoyed was the genealogy that connects you and your children directly to those historic events of 400 years ago!
—Judy H.
My family and I arrived in Colonial Williamsburg last Sunday. That same day I picked up your book Dark enough to see the stars in a Jamestown Sky. What a perfect read for my vacation to an amazing place! Thank you!!
I had almost completed your book by the time we stepped on the very ground where your 13th great grandmother walked, slept, starved and bravely lived. Wow! Thank you for filling in the gaps of that time in our history. I look forward to reading the sequel!
—Karen H.
First of all, let me tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book. I laughed and cried and had my faith encouraged as I read about Joan, Tempie, Maggie and little Janey. Their suffering sure puts things in perspective :-). I found your book to be very edifying and spiritually helpful as well as educational and entertaining. I will never forget what I learned about the settling of Jamestown from these women. Also, your poem was beautiful and I plan to type it up in a nice font, print it out and keep it posted near my bed as a daily reminder to keep the shimmering flame of hope alive - so inspirational!
—Kathleen D.
I am almost finished reading your amazing book! (I'm taking my time because I'm not ready for the story to be over!) Thank you so much for researching and writing the absolute best book I have ever read! I absolutely LOVE this novel.
I have always hated purely fiction books. What's the point when there is so much amazing true history available? I love history based novels and this is by far the best!
I can't wait until your next book comes out! Please let me know when I may expect it!
—Keri R.
Mounds, Oklahoma
We purchased the book Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky during our visit to Jamestown last week, and I wanted to congratulate you on an excellent story. I truly enjoyed it and appreciated your inclusion of the historical references at the end. It was an exceptional book and I will be looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for such a delightful trip into the past and for the opportunity to meet these ladies and families who labored so hard to settle our country. We must not forget the determination that they had and the perseverance that they exhibited and which made our country as great as she is.
—Linda M.
I've been to Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown area many times over the years. moving from CA to TN., To be living so close to where the birth of our country happened...I've found the early history of our country...memorizing...
I found your book at the Williamsburg Book Shop, inside the visitor's center, this November. What an incredible find!! We had already been through historic Jamestown, this trip. However, after reading your book [the very next day, actually], my husband and I went back to the site. I was NOT ready to say good bye to Joan Peirce yet, so Gary and I went back to see/meet/listen to these people, again. You did such an incredible job breathing life back into all these people and into a time so long removed from our countries present reality.
Gary and I spent another 5 hours there reading EVERYTHING. We even wandered through the streets, something we had not done in 20 years. Can you imagine my excitement when I found Joan Peirce's home...
Thank you for providing such an incredible rediscovery of a place my family and I have enjoyed for sooooo many years. And THANKS for introducing me to a new friend. I find Joan Peirce to be an incredible woman...
—Lynn L.
I bought your book, Dark Enough to See the Stars in a Jamestown Sky, when we were at Henricus last fall. I am anxiously awaiting for the sequel and wondered when it would be available? It's so exciting to read a piece of history that's accurately portrayed. Thank you so much for all your careful research and sharing it with others!
—Lora H.
Powhatan, Virginia
Your book was HEART RENDING.
Your book was AMAZING. For lack of a better word, I wish I had the word. Joan Pierce has become my new heroine.
Thank you for telling her story. What a gift her mother passed onto her by educating her on herbs, plants and vegetable gardening!! What a blessing her dear mother was to her.
I tell you this, it has inspired me to want to pass this same gift onto my daughter. I want to teach her all about herbs and gardening! It is not such an unlikely scenario that she might have to live through a major disaster and have the survival skills displayed such as Joan Pierce! However, it is not such an easy matter after looking at all the uses of Herbs! It is a complicated matter to say the least, which makes me have all the more appreciation for your great, great, great, great, grandmother *wide grin*.
Again, your book was absolutely beautifully written and I could not put it down. You must write some kind of a sequel. However, I do not know if you have all of the factual information to tell us whatever happen to Cecily!! (that drove me crazy). I was able to see a little of her history in the family tree (2 husbands died??)*eek*
—Amy N.
I've recently finished reading your Jamestown book, and have passed it on to my 14-year-old daughter.
She's enjoying it very much, and I loved it. Thank you for using your talent to write a book that is such a God-honoring blessing.
If I remember right, you're a homeschooling mom of 4, as I am. I can only wonder HOW you found the time to homeschool and research and write the novel. I so appreciated the maps and the factual pages you placed at the end of the novel, although I confess I peeked before finishing the book. :)
I love how you honored the memory of your great, great........ grandmother. I've wanted to do the same one day for some of my ancestors, filling in some of the historical "blanks" I'll never know for sure. This has encouraged me.
—Margot B.
Midland, Virginia
I just wanted you to know that I have read your book, and also it is being passed around here at work, and we all have enjoyed it. We were wondering if there is a sequel to the book.
—Marie J.
We made our first visit to Colonial Williamsburg in September. I purchased your book at the book store and the clerk gave you great reviews. I couldn't put the book down. Where can I purchase the sequel?
—Marilyn H.
Loveland, Colorado
Your extensive research brought the historical accounts in Jamestown to life in an exciting and personal manner.
—Dr. Billy K.
Powhatan, VA
My dad and I had fun discussing your book. I’m glad you stuck to the facts, and didn’t just make up most of it. That way, I could get it straight in my head, instead of thinking, ‘Wait! I learned something completely different in school!’
—Christina C., 13 years old
This past July my husband and I made a trip back to our "old stomping grounds" to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and reconnect with our students from a one-room Christian school where we taught many years ago. We had been wanting to make this return trip for about 25 years, and God surprised us by opening up some doors.
We began our trip by revisiting Williamsburg and Jamestown. Williamsburg we recognized, but Jamestown was nothing like I remembered it. It was like seeing it again for the first time! Providentially we just happened upon a tour group that was already in progress at the national park site and appreciated hearing about the settlement's early days from the perspective of Captain Archer, if I remember correctly.
In the end, the guide recommended a couple books for our further study, and one he acclaimed the most was yours.
I bought it at the park's book store and started reading it aloud to my husband as we waited for one of the tour buses. I fell in love with it immediately, and even my husband did not mind me reading it to him. Eventually our whirlwind tour of the colonial area, our old school site, and a few days in Washington, DC was over, and we returned to California. I spent some time with my mom and started reading your book to her, too. Of course, I had to start again from the beginning so she could fully appreciate it.
She's hooked and wants me to send the book to her so she can finish reading it. I'm hooked, too, and am anxious to read the sequel. Is it available yet? I love history, and I love your attention to detail. I love the way historical facts were woven into the story and yet I felt like I was reading poetry. As a Christian, I love the way you worked in the spiritual dimensions of God's providence and overcoming overwhelming hardship. God has given you a gift and I look forward to reading more from your pen.
—Audie S.
Connie, my husband bought your book and gave it to me for my birthday. I really enjoyed reading the book and I also liked all the history information you provided at the end of the story. Since I read your book and with the cooler weather, I find myself often thinking about the "Starving Time." How some can be so courageous and some so helpless is amazing. I noticed that you mentioned two more books - When the Moon Has No More Silver and The Sun is But a Morning Star in a Jamestown Sky. I look forward to reading both.
Thank you for providing such pleasurable reading.
—Terry M.
read your book and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it! I am a homeschooling mom of three. My oldest daughter is 12 years old and a voracious reader. It is hard to keep finding really good books for her. My mom bought your book at the Shirley plantation. They were on a road trip through Virginia doing some genealogical research. She bought it, read it and then recommended it to me. Even though I knew the history of the Starving Time, your book made the story a compelling read. I also appreciated how you portrayed the main characters as women of faith.
I have had the pleasure of lending the book to another homeschooling family who is headed down to visit Williamsburg and Jamestown. Their daughter loved the book also.
Thanks again for writing such a good book!
—Elizabeth Z.
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I visited with you a few minutes on May 19th when you were signing books at the Henricus Park. So glad the bus line was so long!! I got a chance to buy your book! I mentioned at the time that my descendants were the Paces of Pace's Pains. Can trace family line back to the first Richard Pace. Reading your account of those suffering and starving times made them real for me. Thanks so much for adding to my understanding of the early settlers. What a great way to study history! I have gotten a copy for a cousin and will order another one for another cousin.
Hope we will see another book soon. Thank you,
—Alice O.
Gulf Shores, Florida
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it, it is a wonderful story although harrowing at times of course. I am in awe of the bravery and strength of spirit that those people, especially the women, displayed.
How wonderful for you to be related to such people and that you can trace your history back to Joan. My mother's family come from Falmouth, Cornwall (UK) and I have traced the family history back to
1600 in that area. I also spent part of my childhood in Plymouth Devon and am very familiar with the Mayflower steps on Plymouth barbican, in fact we were married in a church on Plymouth Hoe (I wonder if you have visited Devon and Cornwall). Years later we lived in Somerset but near the Dorset border and Lyme Regis was our nearest coastal resort.
Therefore I was able to visualise a lot of the places mentioned in the book. I would love to think that one of my ancestors had the spirit of someone like Joan.
By now you will have realised that I am English but your book was bought in Williamsburg VA by my husband. That is because, after several years of holidaying in that area we decided to buy a property in Williamsburg on the Jamestown Road, only about 2 miles from Jamestown Island and the wonderful Settlement and museum. We were there for the celebrations in 2007 and my husband volunteered to help at Jamestown during that time. It was absolutely wonderful and the atmosphere with the visitors, the volunteers and the police was amazing. We were blessed to be there. We even saw the Queen travelling down Duke of Gloucester street, Williamsburg in an open carriage.
Well, as you can tell, Joan's story has meant a lot to me and I thank you for telling it so wonderfully. I will always keep this book.
—Alison B.
I just finished reading your book and it was AMAZING! Several times through the book I wanted to run to the phone and share with you how awesome and moving your story was for me, but thankfully I remembered that you have a family and busy life and it may be a bit more polite to send you an email. I have been sharing with just about everyone I have come in contact with how suspenseful, insightful, and spiritual your story is. The story of Jamestown was just a dry, dull lesson repeated time and again throughout my elementary years of which I memorized three ships, a date and a few historic names. After having read your book I want to go back and visit the sites, study the daily life and really get a sense of what the early settlers experienced. You told their story so eloquently, from such a humanistic point of view. What an awesome tribute to their lives. God has truly blessed you with the ability to tell their story. Thank you for all your hard work to bring that story to the rest of us.
In great adoration,
—Alison S.
I thoroughly enjoyed your book. Very moving. Hank Williams said you must make'em cry and your book does that. Thanks very much for your scholarship and doing the book. I'm looking forward to Vol II. I plan to send information about getting it to some family members and friends.
—Al W.
My husband and my father and I all read a copy that we borrowed from a friend. My husband and I visited Jamestown for the first time last spring, so the book was a great reminder of that wonderful experience. It is a fantastic book, and we look forward to the sequel. We decided to give it to our children for Christmas, and of course a copy for us, since we read a borrowed one.
Keep writing!
—Ana K.
Dayton, Texas
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would like to know when the next one will be published. I am looking forward to reading it...... You have done a superb job in telling the female side of settlement!
—Ann B.
I’ve recommended the book to several friends and it’s a toss up as to who likes it the most – those born and raised in Virginia really appreciate your scholarship and those from elsewhere have a whole new history opened up to them. You’ve definitely got an appreciative audience out here.
—Mary Beth C.
I was so impressed with your book and have told my children about it and wish to have them read it.
—Maxine L.
I've read about 120 pages of your book, and I am in awe! So impressed! Your writing is magnificent, your use of verbs and adjectives, the way you have made your characters so real, their thoughts, their dialog. The amount of research you had to do. Well done! Very well done!
—Miriam W.
Hola Connie, Anthony gave me a signed copy and I will cherish it. The best book I have read in ages.
Love the Camino de Santiago reference. It's one of my dreams to walk it someday. Love the women and how they survived...
abrazos de Espana...
—Molly L.
It has been years since I read a book as great as Dark Enough to See the Stars ... When will the sequel be out? Thank you for hours of reading ecstasy!!! Paula
—Paula L.
My husband and I enjoyed Dark Enough to See the Stars in a Jamestown Sky very much and can't wait to read your next book.
—Paula L.
I don't know how to thank you enough for your extraordinary book. It arrived in the mail yesterday morning and I finished it at midnight.
Again, my sincere gratitude to you for your amazing work!
—Judy F.
I just finished your book last night and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it. I've been tracing my family for over 20 years. Like you, I grew up listening to stories from my grandparents about their grandparents and was fascinated. Being able to put myself into their place to really see what things were like help you get such an appreciation for what they went through and makes you even more grateful for where we are today. Without their experiences, each generation and each person, we wouldn't be in the spot we each are now.
So, to sum up: I really enjoyed your book and am recommending it all around right now.
—Scott D.
I just read your book (in one-24 hour period) and wanted to thank you for your research and for sharing your gift of writing.
—Susan G.
Richmond, Virginia
You may remember that I bought 3 books from you and mentioned my pen pals as the recipients. Nathaniel loved the book so much that his sister and both parents ended up reading it as well. Then they all journeyed to Jamestown for a visit and have been asking me about news of a sequel. Nathaniel is home-schooled and quite curious about the world.
—Susan M.
Richmond, Virginia
I stumbled on your wonderful book after receiving a nook for mothers day and doing a search for Jamestown.
My husband, son and I visited Jamestown just as the APVA began its archaeological digs. I was fascinated. We were in the park at sundown. It was quiet and there were no other visitors. I felt as though I was surrounded by all the ghosts of that haunting place. You have put into words all the things I thought felt and wondered about since that day.
I understand there is another book about Jamestown coming out. Any idea when? I look forward to reading it.
Once again thank you for a most beautiful and thoughtfully written book
—Suzanne C.
Our family has profoundly enjoyed the book. You can clearly see and be in awe of God's amazing grace and plan in the saving of the Sea Venture and in the timing of the arrival of the ships from England just as the colonists were leaving for Nova Scotia. I'm afraid we are among the group who is now almost stopping folks on the street to say, "Do you realize what really happened to bring about this nation?" !!!
Thanks for all your work in putting it together.
—Dottie B.
Fredericksburg, Virginia
I heard your presentation and bought your book "Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky" at the NC State DAR Conference. I thought your presentation was fantastic.
I just finished the book. It was awesome! I enjoyed every minute reading it. When will the sequel be out? I can't wait!
—Sue G.
North Carolina
Just wanted to write and thank you for telling the story of Joan Pierce; it's an extraordinary gift you've shared with the world.
As the senior Steward of an intentional community located in an oak forest on the edge of the Cascadian wilderness, I often think back on the challenges that others have dealt with in undertaking to create a sustainable life. The challenges that those people faced and overcome make the trials of our modern lives seem trivial indeed.
In that it takes about a million calories to sustain a person for a year, I've been studying the question of how best to put together that much food energy given the resources we and our neighbors can produce without the use of notable amounts of fossil fuels. That study leads me to the conclusion that, left to our own devices, we too would be relying on acorns to make it through the winter.
That conclusion brings scant comfort in that this year neither our forest nor any within a day's walk produced any acorns at all. We've seen lean years in the past, but none with out any. This was an especially wet spring, and I'm intrigued by your comments that wet years can lead to a lack of acorns, whereas dry years can trigger a surplus.
If that's correct, then it would be a welcome counter balance to the impact of drought on other food supplies.
I also enjoyed the many references to squirrels, but found it sad that Joan was unable to fabricate a trap such that she and Tempie were able to invite at least some of them to dinner. Given the lack of acorns this year, we've had to be aggressive at squirrel trapping or risk losing our garden to their hunger.
It was in goggling for ways to process acorns that I came across a reference to your book. There are lots of stories written about the challenges of building a new way of life, but few that speak with a woman's voice and perspective. Your work nicely fills in some of that void.
your grateful fan,
—Walt P.
Hood River, Oregon
A friend loaned me your book this week as she knew I was so interested in the new Jamestown books and had bought just about every new one that has come out with more up to date information (however, I have not read all of them by any means!).
I opened your book and I find it hard to put it down. Not only my interest in the Jamestown personal stories, but I am a Grandmother who tries to instill in my grandchildren what I remember of growing up in a different culture in America and my love of family and family research and history.
—Ann C.
New Braunfels, Texas
Just wanted to write and let you know how very much I enjoyed your book on the trials and tribulations of the Adventurers at Jamestowne. It was wonderful———— I couldn't put it down!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how very readable and fascinating I found all chapters in your book. You are to be congratulated for all your efforts! We need more "stories" about our heritage and young people need these stories brought to light.
May the night sky always be dark enough to see the stars which illuminated our ancestors path to glory.
—John A.
I had to write to tell you that your style of writing conveys the impression of actually being there and witnessing the hardships and suffering endured by your ancestors. I found the story line most compelling and heart-wrenching which made it extremely hard to put the book down. It boggles the mind to think of what the early Colonists went through so we could all be here now and enjoy the kind of life that we have.
—Janet R.
I loved Dark Enough to See the Stars in the Jamestown Sky and have shared it with several people. Job well done.
—Lynne B.
Rhoadesville, Virginia
I just finished reading your book (took less than a week because I got hooked) and wanted to let you know that I loved it! I thought it was great that it was factual and gave insight to an historical event but was easy reading that kept my interest! I really felt like I got to know the characters and appreciate what they went through to plant Virginia.
But now I'm dying to read about Cecily…….
—Stacy A.
Charlottesville, Virginia
My daughter lent me your book ... Dark Enough.... I think in it you said you were writing a sequel. Will it be out by Christmas this year? Ha! Anyway, just thought I would ask since that time is coming too soon. I really did enjoy your book and you did such a tremendous amount of work in research. I admire you greatly, and thanks for writing it ...
—Barbara B.
Seattle, Washington
Connie, I want to join countless others in telling you how thoroughly I enjoyed the book. You are a gifted writer with character development, setting dialogue and description and your research is impressive indeed. You made these ancestors of ours become truly alive and I am grateful. I look forward to the sequel.
—Warren M.
Columbia, South Carolina
I love to make history come alive for my students, and tell it like a story—not just names and facts... Your book offered me a lot of valuable insight into life at Jamestown—which I can in turn relay to my students.
—Julia D.
I don't think I ever REALLY thought about what the people [at Jamestwon] went through. Your book brings the people alive. I could just picture the women huddled together with little Janey.
—Sheila T.
I am so amazed at the depth of it, and the research you put into the making of it. It is a gem. I'm looking forward to visiting Jamestown and seeing it through new eyes.
—Jenny S.
My wife, Virginia, who met you at the DAR Meeting on Apr 15, has been raving about "Dark Enough....." for months and took me and our grandchildren to Jamestown for a Bill Kelso guided tour of the excavations at the old fort last year. I finally found time to read your book this week and couldn't put it down. My recently acquired familiarity with Jamestown helped bring your vivid characterizations and settings to life. I encourage you in your plans to do a sequel.
One question kept occurring to me as I read Joan Pierce's thoughts and heard her voice through yours. How could you have such deep insights into the spiritual resources that sustained her through the hardships that she endured, unless you are rooted in the same rich soil yourself? I suspect that the best story yet may be the journey that prepared you to write this book. I hope to read it one day.
God's blessings,
—W.M.G., Professor Emeritus
I just finished your book Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky,completed all the extra pages and genealogy.
What a magnificent work of research and love of family you have created!
I especially liked the emotion you placed into each character and the references to great writings ,including the Bible.
I'm hoping to share this with my 4 daughters and 4 granddaughters as an example of strength and courage.
Thanks you for all your work and research.
I'm looking forward to your next book and I hope it comes out soon. Your friend who portrayed Gabriel Archer in Jamestown
settlement in October when we were there was absolutely correct about your book. Tell him I liked it.
—Sally C.
Salem, Ohio
I was so sucked in and excited that I stayed up until midnight... From scenes that make you cry to ones that warm your heart, Dark Enough to See the Stars in a Jamestown Sky is a captivating, can’t-put-it-down, good book.
—Aleks S., 12 years old
Staunton, Va
I'm trying really hard to learn to enjoy history and I can't tell you how many "great" history books I've bought and never read because they just bored me to sleep... Well, I was hooked from the very begining! In my opinion, it was the "perfect" book... The story made me think about things that no history class ever did.
—Jeannie W.
Ruther Glen, VA
The only problem with your book was that I couldn’t put it down so I ended up staying up REALLY REALLY late a couple of nights. It was fabulous!
—Teresa P.
Thank you for writing Dark Enough to See the Stars in the Jamestown Sky, which I purchased and read before Christmas, 2010. I was fascinated by Joan's story and her heroism. I had never heard of anyone by the name of Cecily, but my brother discovered her last Fall. We are descendants of Richard Cocke, through Thomas, but had not given much thought as to who Temperance Bailey or her forebears were. Now, thanks to you, we know. It never occurred to us when we were studying about the settlement of Virginia that our ancestors were among those very, very early settlers, and the facts about them have fascinated us both. I'm almost 88 years old, and I want my children and grandchildren to know from whence they came, so I've written much of the information for them.
—Ann L.
Nashville, Tennessee
I wanted to tell you how much your novel has meant to me.
Three years ago, when my oldest daughter Lori, began her Freshman year at William and Mary, I bought a season pass to Williamsburg (of course) and to the historical site of Jamestown.
I have returned to the latter over and over for the past three years. The water, the woods, the hollowed out church - were both serene and disturbing - and you captured the way I felt so simply in these words, "There was something elegant and Edenlike here." Elegant. This word perfectly described the dense, quiet marsh, the brooding trees that gave up no secrets, and silver seam split across the water by a foraging bird. I carefully read each quotation at the beginning of each chapter, and I collected many quotations from your own writing
Thank you for researching and writing such a beautifully told story. You answered questions for me that I sought answers for - where was God? Was there any good at Jamestown or was it all that it seems to be: a dismal failure manned by indulgent, selfish men? What is my inheritance here?
Well done, Connie. Well done. I stand and applaud and I wanted you to know.
—Susan P.